Tuesday, July 18, 2017

YUHME: A sustainable waterbottle

Water, water,water. We can´t live without it. In Iceland where the weather isn´t very warm we can surely get by without drinking many liters of it each day but oh boy, how many times I have found myself being super thirsty, dizzy and even tired because I ALWAYS FORGET to drink enough water.
So, drinking water is important and since I am trying to be a tree-hugger person I don´t want to be buying single-use plastic bottles every time I get thirsty when im out of the house, therefore I bought myself a pretty, pretty reusable water bottle.

This bottle is from a Swedish brand called YUHME. The name stands for You Us Humanity Me Enviroment (a bit of a mouthful but still a cool name). They make waterbottles from Green PE which is plastic made out of sugarcane and it is 100% BPA and toxin free. The sugarcane comes from Brazil and the bottle is then produced in Sweden. Another cool thing about this brand is that for every bottle sold, YUHME provide 6 months of clean water to someone in the Central African Republic through a small charity called Water for good.

I ordered the bottle from the website Yuhme.se and It came in a cute paper box (yay for plastic-free packaging!). The bottle I bought is called “the namaste” and it has this beautiful sugarcane pattern. I am loving it to bits and take it with me wherever I go!

YUHME is all about transparency and on their website you can find all the information you could possibly need. If not, Alex and Alex, the founders of YUHME are super friendly and helpful!

Until next time
-A happy Freydís and her pretty bottle!

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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A few things that boost my happiness

I read a blogpost from one of my favourite bloggers about a month ago that inspired me to make this list. I originally wrote the list over a course of two weeks, writing a little bit every day. The list was so long and full of the most stupid things that I only chose a fair few that I found highlighting and might be inspiring for someone. I encourage everyone to make a list of their own and I hope you enjoy mine. 

1. Music
To begin this list of things I´d like to say that i find it amazing how music can affect the mood. For example the best way to start the day in my opinion is with the Swedish theme song from Pippi Longstocking. It is the perfect song to walk to wherever I have to go in the morning and you simply cannot go through the whole song without smiling. Another song that never fails to put me in a good mood is Pocketful of sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield. One simply cannot listen to it only once so I usually have it on repeat while I do my chores (pray for the neighbours ears who must hear me sing the same song for 1-2 hours every day). 

2. The people around me
I am both talking about the people have met during my stay here in Italy and the ones I speak to at home. Its very easy to get isolated when you´re in a new country where you don´t know anybody and I really had to step out of my comfort zone when I posted a group for aupairs that I was looking for friends. I think everyone experiences homesickness sometimes and specially when spending a long time from home. What I think is best to do in that situation is talk to somebody at home (preferably about how shitty the weather is in Iceland) and then plan to meet up with some other aupairs as soon as possible. 

3. MOM! 
Talking about homesickness... In case of super-duper homesickness the best and most fool-proof remedy is to call a close family member which in my case is my mom. Talking to her is simply the best and a list of things that make me happy wouldn't be complete without her. 

4. Having something to look forward to
I can be a bit hyperbolic when it comes to having something to look forward to and I am always planning something. Whether it it tomorrows lunch, next weekends meet-up or the next 10-ish years of my life. You can bet I am planning it! For the spontaneous people in my life this can be a bit annoying but for me to get through a gloomy day I think it is very important to be able to see the sunny days ahead. 

5.  PASTA! 
Ok, food generally always makes me happy but oh, boy. Pasta. For the past two months I have been eating pasta almost every day (and sometimes twice a day) and because I am in Italy, NOBODY is judging! 

6. Gelato
Like I said, food in general makes me happy. Same as with the pasta, Gelato every day. And because of the heat - you need it!

7. The sun
Apart from being the greatest source of vitamin-d (which is known to help with depression) I simply cannot look at the sun without smiling like an idiot. The joy of being able to go outside wearing almost nothing and NOT feeling the cold biting your skin just makes me feel very happy. 

P.s I am wondering about weather to keep writing in Icelandic as well or simply switching into english completely... I guess we will find out in the next few posts.


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Lookbook: Vintage swimsuit

Mig langaði svo að eignast fallegan sundbol fyrir sumarið en langaði ekki að styðja fyrirtæki eins og h&m eða zöru (fannst úrvalið þar heldur ekkert spes). Draumurinn var að eignast sundbol frá einhverju flottu, umhverfisvænu, fair-trade merki en þeir sem ég hafði fundið voru allir frekar dýrir. Ég hafði einhvernvegin ekki hugsað út í það að kaupa notaðan sundbol fyrr en ég álpaðist inn í Gyllta köttinn einn seinnipart skömmu áður en ég fór til Ítalíu og sá þar körfu fulla af vintage sundfötum. 

 Ég fýla þennan sundbol í tætlur og hef notað hann á ströndinni en einnig við stuttbuxur eða pils þegar ég er í þannig stuði og mér finnst það koma mjög vel út.

I really wanted to get a one-piece bathing suit for the summer but I didn't feel like supporting fast-fashion brands. The dream was to get a fair-trade, sustainable bathing-suit but all the brands that I found were either based on the other side of the globe, or wayyyyy out of my price range. I hadn't even thought of getting a used one until I saw this one in a vintage shop in Reykjavik just a few days before leaving to Italy.

I am really loving this piece and have gotten great use out of it. I wore it to the beach the other weekend but I have also been wearing it as a part of my capsule wardrobe, paired with my vintage looking shorts or a skirt and I love how it looks!
